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I've been thinking about Easter Desserts....!

 Thursday, April 21, 2011

I've been doing a little planning....

My favorite thing about the holidays is ALWAYS the desserts. My mother always takes on the duties of preparing the meal and is always skimpy on the desserts. She always tends to buy store bought desserts because she can't seem to find the time to bake! So I've taken the role of baking for the holidays, which I think is a nice new tradition.

My fathers birthday is in a couple of weeks, and it's the only time that my older brother will be up so we will have a cake for him.. that will unfortunately be store bought. I can't stand store-bought baked goods. They truly are so unhealthy for you and majority of them have trans fat. I know that all baked goods are filled with lots of sugary goodness, but when I make them homemade at least I know whats in them.

However, I have this idea that I want to make deep fried Oreos! I've never had them, and they look so good!

It's also spring time so I decided I needed a springy dessert as well..Lemon always reminds me of spring... so Lemon Pound Cake it is!
We don't need too many desserts because it's only five of us and I'm not a fan of leftovers because if there is leftover desserts in the house I will eat them EVERYDAY... and it's totally not good for my figure. ;]

Recipes to come!


Have you planned your Easter Desserts and if so what are you making?


Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) April 21, 2011 at 6:26 AM  

LOVE the lemon pound cake- the fried oreo scare me a little bit :)

Simply Life April 21, 2011 at 5:38 PM  

so many fun ideas - I'll be posting my dessert cookies soon! :)

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