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Cooking up a storm today!!!!!!!

 Friday, April 22, 2011

My older brother got home at about 3pmish... that means my mother was cooking up a storm and I was being her sidekick.. as always. We are Italian women we like to cook when our men come home!

It's so nice to finally have my brother home, we haven't seen him in about two months and that's the longest time we've gone without seeing him. Since he turned 21 and he's in college two hours away!

My mom and I made a lot of Easter traditions today.

She calls this in the american terms "Dough with Escarole" and "Dough with Rice" It's almost like a Stromboli or a calazone accept without the meat.

First, boil the escarole and boil the rice. We used white rice but you can use the healthier version and use brown rice. We also used 8 cups of white rice, but we had ALOT of leftovers and one head of escarole.

Mix in about three tablespoons of olive oil, half a can of olives, salt & pepper to taste,and anchovies into the escarole.

Mix in about 8 eggs into the rice and a half a cup of olive oil.

Then you take your dough balls and you flatten them, and put all of the mixture for the escarole in one dough ball and then 1/4 of the mixture of the rice in a seperate flattened dough ball.

Like this,

Then take the right side of the dough and fold it over to the left side like this...

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place on a pan, make sure you brush it with olive oil before placing in the oven. Bake for about 40 minutes

The Finished products.....

This is absolutely amazing with a cup of soup or a salad on the side. My mother calls this "peasant food" Sorry if the directions weren't exactly clear.. she doesn't follow a recipe and always adds whatever she feels is right. Mothers have a tendency of just remembering things by heart and not measuring anything!


What are some of your Easter traditions with your family? Is there something you make EVERY Easter?


thehealthyapron May 25, 2011 at 11:44 AM  

Just read your comment on my blog and decided to stop over and check out yours! I'm glad that you discovered dietetics is your passion. IT is mine as well and I LOVE what I do! It's truly a rewarding position, if you make it one!

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